Pagi ahad, once in my life time kot...we are having our BBQ at 10am ....never tot to have it in early morning....yerla, since usually org buat BBQ waktu mlm... :D tapi sonok gak sekali sekala buat bende yg lain dr yg lain ni kan?Actually ader reason why we r having it in early morning....sbbnyer....BBQ ni kitorg buat utk celebrate our new comers....Amirul Mukmin......
eeiiiyaaa....aperla org nk ngeliat pun nk amik gamba ker?
hah...juling kan mate....asyik amik gambo biaser luar biaserkan cket...hehehe
Amirul n his mama....Ejay... la tukang masak BBQ kitorg yg tak bertauliah huhuuu...sempat lagik nk pose...habisla hangus kerang tu....
Sunday Evening
Mawi comes a live.....Second Mawi's concert that I went with my teddy n mama (teddy's mother).... arini genap sethn Mawi bergelar artis, anak seni dan disebabkan itu jugak dier dianugerahkan Medalion dari Royal Mint, Selangor .... aperpun, I do really enjoyed the show....Mawi, Mawi......
Selamat bertunang kepada satu drpd kembar ku.....KEMBAR???jgn terkejut sbb kami kembar sbb dilahirkan di bulan dan tahun yg samer...cume jaraknyer seminggu.... :D dan yg paling menarik kami bukan berdua tapi berempat.....saper lagi dua? tungguuuu.....
Last nite mesti hari yg plg indah 4 my kazen sbb dier da melangkah setapak bg memulakan hidup baru..setapak baru belum dua2 tapak...jgn salah faham tu...hehehe :D Aperpun just wanna wish them ..Congratulations on your enggagement day.... :)
Hari ni, satu lagi kejutan yg aku terima...ayah kpd kawan baikku, Nija telah pulang ke rahmatullah.....Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun.....
Makan-makan last nite di sponsor oleh Umie (baju oren) bertempat di Pizza Hut, JJ....Lemme introduce to my new n old housemate...hehehe jgn marah mama....
Pic first ni was taken before we start our makan...npk sume mknn tak touch lagik...full, cantek jerk bentuknyer kan....tapi dlm hati hanye tuhan jerk yg tahu betapa lapa dan tak sabanyer... :D
Pic bawah, inilah ruper orang yg telah kekenyangan...senyum pun makin lebar tapi mater makin sepet sebb biaserlah klau da kenyang, mata pun beratla kan....tapi pose ttp pose gak... From right....Umie, Auji and mama (Anis)
From left.... Ida, Noris and me
Beginilah keadaan pizza yg malu2 utk dihabiskan sbb takut org kater tembolok....hahaha... sampai la ni dok ada ataih meja tu....sapalah yg nk peghabih tu ntah la...
This is a story about a girl name "Lucky"...hehehehe intro jerk ni...takderk kene mengena ngan Britney citer citer pasal org yg berasal dari tempat dimana teknologi byk tercipta...Jepun..
Kisah ini diceritakan semula daripada sumber yg dipercayai iaitu org yg terlibat secara langsung ngan org Jepun ni.....
My Colleagues : Sir, can u launch a netmeeting?
Japanesse : Yeah, sure...
My Cooleagues : Could u pls share ur desktop sir....
Japanesse : Oh no...
My colleagues : why sir? Is there's anything wrong happens at ur side sir?
Japanesse : No, im juz wondering why mouse keep moving by itself even without i touch it....
My Colleagues : **Astaghfirullahala'zim....aku ingat aper tadik....
No sir, actually im taking control of your PC currently.
Japanesse : U can control my PC from Malaysia?
My Colleagues : Yes sir, by using the Netmeeting application and with your permission.
Japanesse : Oh, thats great...Never know about it before..., what do you think about the story?dont ever think that, if anyone that came from a place that fully utilize by technology was always up to-date.....
a daughter, a wife, a mama and a lecturer...who live in a simple quote in her life... "Life is either daring, adventure or nothing"